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Updated Dec 3, 2024
7 min to read
Published 19 months ago

Chat GPT in EdTech: Is Blending Possible?

Tymofey Lebedev
Timofey Lebedev
COO and Founder

Nowadays, teachers predominantly deal with new generations of learners who have been immersed in the digital world from their childhood. Unlike elderly people, there is no need to teach kids how to use smartphones since they know it intuitively. The appearance of chat GPT with rich functionality makes its application by students inevitable. However, two contradictory opinions concern the worthiness of AI-based chatbot implementation with educational aims. Let's dig deeper to clarify this issue.

EdTech: What Is It?

A combination of the words 'Education' and 'Technology' lies in the basis of EdTech's meaning. It is an application of hardware and software to simplify, improve, and make an engaging teacher-lead learning process. Developed countries and hi-tech educational establishments implement interactive whiteboards, projector screens, and tablets for education that are bright samples of EdTechs. Since the modern generation considers smartphones to be a continuation of their hand, implementing gadgets in learning is crucial and inevitable. The art of teaching is to combine technologies and the educational process with both entertaining and outcome-improving goals.

Generative Pre-trained Transformer or Chat GPT: Way it Works

AI technique, an NLP tool based on a transformer architecture, is known as ChatGPT. Even though its recent appearance (November 2022), it has managed to become preferable to many users.

The key benefit of the Chat GPT is the speed of operations and the variety of tasks it may handle. Learners seeking multitasking assistance with their assignments prefer this tool for its functionality and availability. Home tasks of different complexity levels and scopes may be done faster and more qualified with Chat GPT.

Prospects of EdTech with Chat GPT Application

There are opposite opinions concerning the worthiness of AI implementation in the educational process. A certain category of people is convinced that learners will not benefit from using ChatGPT while studying since they will shift their assignment to a powerful tool and not enrich their knowledge and skills. At the same time, their opponents adhere to the efficiency of AI-based learning and showcase numerous ways of ChatGPT implementation and its positive outcome impact. Here is a short list of ideas on implementing Chat GPT with an educational aim for effective learning.

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  • Assistance

When getting an assignment, students may ask for concrete advice or a list of tips on coping with it. For instance, when they do not understand a theme, are unfamiliar with academic assignment demands, or can not summarize a clear explanation, they may turn to the Chat GPT for detailed or brief step-by-step clarification. In such a way, learners save time and get only key issues they need to complete their tasks.

  • Self Education

When student-teacher interaction is impossible or limited, Chat GPT comes to play. If learners make up their minds to upgrade their knowledge but can not hire a tutor for some reason, the right solution is to use AI-based tools. With the help of Chat GPT, it is possible to sort out the necessary information (texts, video lessons, podcasts, tutorials, etc.), generate tests, and ask for evaluation and mistakes explanation. In addition, such help is provided in exciting form with minimum time spent.

  • Progress Evaluation

When learners need to define their progress in a particular subject or need independent thought about their knowledge level, Chat GPT may be successfully applied. How? Students may request quizzes, tests, or assignment feedback with a precise analysis of mistakes. Besides, defining an academic level on the subject or grading is within the force of the Chat GPT.

It depends on the creativity of teachers and learners on how to use modern technologies with beneficial learning aims. Chat GPT can even generate some engaging ideas for its implementation in education. In any case, gadget-based learning will definitely draw more interest in modern learners than in turning book pages.

Will Chat GPT Replace Teachers?

It may be challenging to give an unambiguous answer today since we can not clearly predict the possibilities of AI and the demands of education in the far future. But when discussing the present prospects, the best decision is a combination of teacher-guided and AI-based learning. Today, implementing modern technologies is a demand of time, but human control of the process is also advisable.

The use of Chat GPT may facilitate data analysis and search, simplify lesson preparation, diversify the learning process, and keep everything under control. Despite the fact that its work is not always accurate or may have some flaws, it may also be used as a method of critical thinking development and data analysis while learning.

Implementation of Chat GPT in education is a sign of a progressive approach of teachers striving not to delegate their duties to AI but to improve and update their methods and encourage students to look for learning sources and develop their creativity and new skills.


Chat GPT must be in a toolkit for modern teachers, tutors, and professors. It may not only simplify and manage the educational process it also assists in making it more individual, considering every student's needs, and engaging. In addition, it opens numerous opportunities for students to gain new knowledge whenever they are. Keeping up-to-date with modern technologies definitely revolutionizes the quality of education, making it engaging and available for a greater number of learners.

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