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Updated Oct 15, 2024
15 min to read
Published Sep 30, 2024

Outsource Web Development With Ease: What You Need to Know

Tymofey Lebedev
Timofey Lebedev
COO and Founder

Web development outsourcing has been one of the cornerstone strategies for businesses looking to tap into global talent and enhance digital capabilities. The global market for outsourced development services is poised to reach $397.6 billion by 2025. At the same time, the demand for skilled web developers is growing. This is particularly noted in JavaScript web development, where requirements in frameworks such as React or Node.js outpace local supply most times. While outsourced website development and teams continue to prove their worth, finding the right talent is not just about selecting the provider. It requires strategic planning, careful vetting, and proper management.

In this article, we are going to review how to outsource web development effectively. Continue reading to learn what one should expect from quality developers, and future trends that shape the industry. Ready to unlock the full potential of outsourced development for your business? Let's dive in!

Understanding the Landscape of Web Development Outsourcing

Outsourcing web development is one of the key barometers in the global technology industry. It supports entering a huge pool of talent, cutting costs, and speeding up project timelines. Growth in the outsourcing market is happening fast. The size of the global outsourcing market keeps growing while companies seek more efficient answers for their development needs.

Outsourcing services are highly demanded due to the increasing demand for professional web developers. The most popular experts are the ones with JavaScript expertise. In the last years, JavaScript has taken a big role in modern web development and has been applied both in front-end and back-end frameworks like React, Node.js, and Angular. During 2023, more than 65% of developers reported using JavaScript, meaning it is a cornerstone for web application development. This demand is so high it creates a shortage of talent and forces companies to look outside local markets.

Outsourcing helps companies bridge this gap by allowing access to developers in countries with extensive talent pools and affordable rates. India and Eastern European countries like Ukraine and Poland have become popular outsourcing destinations owing to their highly skilled developers and competitive pricing. According to a Deloitte survey, 57% of businesses outsource development to save costs, with savings of up to 70% compared to hiring in-house teams.

Plus, many companies like Slack and WhatsApp, have already been outsourcing parts of development. Slack outsourced its application development to a firm in Canada in the early days so it could focus on business operations, while technical development was left to specialist teams.

Why Businesses Choose to Outsource Web Development

visual idea: create a table with the benefits of outsourcing provided below (from 1-9)

Benefits of outsoursed web development.png

  1. Access to Specialized Expertise With outsourcing, organizations can source business capabilities from niche areas of expertise, which might not exist in-house or even locally. For example, in projects requiring:

state-of-the-art JavaScript libraries;

frameworks like Next.js for server-side rendering, and Gatsby;

or static site generation,

it is practically impossible to find local developers skilled in such tools. With outsourcing, companies can find great specialists for these niche technologies, meaning projects are built using the latest and most efficient solutions.

  1. Rapid Adoption of New Technologies Technology changes fast, and in-house teams take too much time and cost to keep up with new trends. This becomes especially true for outsourced teams from tech hubs like Eastern Europe or Southeast Asia, where new technologies are being developed most actively and with higher agility. Thus, companies can get innovative tools like JAMstack, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), or even WebAssembly, seamlessly included in their web development projects. Just imagine — you don't have to deal with internal overhead related to retraining or adding new members in your team with such skillsets.

  2. Variety in Approaches to Problem-Solving An outsourced web development team brings fresh eyes and new problem-solving capabilities to your project. These experts have been working across various industries and regions. Diversity fuels creative problem-solving for technical problems, everything from load time optimization to enhancing user experience on multiple platforms. Outsource to a team that has dealt with global, high-traffic websites. They can provide insight into building highly performant systems that are both scalable and resilient.

  3. Lower Risk of Burnout with Your Core Team Want to make your internal team life easier? Outsource external experts. In this way, your core developers can focus on major development by off-loading less core work, hence decreasing pressure and increasing productivity levels. This has the highest potential when working on long and high-risk projects, where the right morale leads to a success or failure of the product.

  4. Innovation Through Cross-cultural Collaboration Working with developers from other cultures can drive innovation in several ways. Once you outsource web development, you receive ideas and approaches that your business has never thought of. In fact, various research pieces have proved that culturally diverse teams perform better in creative problem-solving and producing unique solutions. This means that by working with a team from Asia or Europe, you can get some new UX/UI trends or ways of coding that might help increase the competitiveness of your product.

  5. Leverage Outsourcing for Data-Driven Insights Experienced outsourcing companies are well-equipped with vast amounts of data analytics and business intelligence. For instance, ML algorithms can be embedded in web applications to predict user behavior or to create personalized experiences. Outsourcing companies with such expertise can make these advanced technologies available to businesses that do not have the resources or budget to hire expensive in-house data scientists.

  6. Better Emphasis on Customer-Oriented Features The majority of the development work can be outsourced, freeing up internal teams to concentrate on areas of the product that directly affect consumer satisfaction. It saves the internal teams from getting bogged down with technical infrastructure so that they can focus on refining customer-centric features or UI/UX design. Outsourcing lets you preserve quality in the product while you push the envelope with customer-focused innovations.

  7. Access to a Wider Range of Development Tools and Licenses Outsourcing companies have expensive development tools, software licenses, and testing environments, which is impractical for many businesses to get. Advanced debugging, testing, and deployment tools within the JavaScript frameworks are pretty expensive. Outsourcing to such companies that already own these tools saves costs and makes the end product much polished and robust.

  8. Cost-Efficiency Though cost saving is very well-known for outsourcing, it's more than just salaries. It can also save money on the salient costs of infrastructure, training, and long-term benefits. By outsourcing, businesses also avoid hiring expenses, induction, space, and equipment charges. Besides, Eastern Europe, India, and Latin America make highly skilled developers available at much lower hourly rates than North America or Western Europe. This is a way for businesses to support quality while keeping costs in check. For example, an in-house developer in the United States may cost approximately $80-$150 per hour. Outsourcing a skillful JavaScript developer located in Ukraine or India may cost about $30-50 per hour.

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How to Secure Quality Talent When Outsourcing Web Development

visual idea: an image with practical steps provided below (1-7) Securing quality talent is one of the biggest concerns when outsourcing web development. Find a developer or team that fits your technical needs yet still captures the essence of your business values and the project's objectives. Here's how you can ensure that you are picking the right outsourcing talent:

  1. Search for Reputable Outsourcing Platforms and Agencies First things first: to get hold of top-class talent, tap into trustworthy platforms and agencies that have experience in outsourcing web developers. Toptal, Upwork, Clutch, and GitHub Jobs are good places to start your search. These platforms ensure that they usually vet their developers, so you are going to get access to a highly qualified pool. Research agency review sites like Clutch to find web development companies with a track record of success in JavaScript development. By reading the reviews and testimonials from previous clients, you can understand how reliable the agency is.

  2. Skill Assessment to Meet Your Project Needs When outsourcing web development, you have to hire the right developers for a particular project. If you are developing a web application using React on the front end and Node.js on the back end, make sure your candidates have experience with these technologies. Request portfolios or case studies of previous projects where applicants have applied extensive knowledge in the relevant frameworks. For example, a developer with experience in building scalable web applications using either Next.js or Vue.js will most likely be able to meet the technical needs of your project.

  3. Look out for Proven Experience in Your Industry Developers who have experience in your industry tend to be more helpful since they understand the pain points and needs of users in your market. For example, if you are developing an eCommerce website, outsourcing it to a team that has experience in high-performance, user-centric eCommerce platform development can ensure immediate success. In a fintech-related project, a team that has dealt with security compliance, say PCI DSS, will bring more skills into the project.

  4. Test the Candidates Before Hiring Have the would-be developers work on a small project or trial project before giving them large-scale or long-term contracts. That way, you will be certain that they deliver to your expectations in terms of quality, communication, and efficiency. Ask the candidate to solve a real-life problem relevant to your project. For example, you can inform them that they will need to solve problems such as creating a small feature in React or optimizing a page's performance. This practical test will give you a clear feeling of their coding style, problem-solving skills, and attention to detail.

  5. Review Soft Skills and Cultural Fit Not only do technical skills play a crucial role in the successful implementation of web development projects but the developer's ability to communicate, be flexible, and work as part of a team. During an interview, see if the candidates can be proactive, responsive, and able to receive feedback. Since outsourced teams most often work remotely, good communication and cultural fit are crucial to avoid misunderstandings or misaligned expectations. An example could be that developers who are used to online collaboration tools like Slack, Zoom, or Trello and who work according to Agile methodologies can fit your project workflow more seamlessly.

  6. Pay More Attention to Long-Term Partnerships If your project is going to require continuous development or maintenance, instead of hiring for a one-off task, focus on the long-term relationship of the team that has been outsourced. Consistency in the working of the team brings better efficiency and quality as the team gets more familiar with the architecture and business goals of your project. An example can be seen with Basecamp and Slack which started by outsourcing their early-stage development but gradually built strong long-term relationships with their outsourcing partners.

  7. Review Legal and Contractual Protections Finally, in web development outsourcing, be sure you have robust legal contracts in place to protect your IP and spell out terms of service. The signing of non-disclosure agreements, or NDAs, and intellectual property agreements should be standard operating procedure. Also, ensure terms are specific about code ownership and the transfer of all project materials on completion. Using platforms like Clutch or working through trusted outsourcing agencies would add a layer of security in the fact that these mediate any disputes.

The Essential Qualities of a JavaScript Web Developer

Strong knowledge of asynchronous programming, and ES6+ features is essential for a JavaScript developer. These concepts allow them to perform complex tasks and write clean, maintainable code. Frontend roles require skill in advanced frameworks such as React, Angular, or Vue.js for creating highly interactive and efficient user interfaces. Understanding state management with libraries like Redux and knowledge of responsive design fortifies their capability to create seamless user experiences.

In Node.js and server-side frameworks such as Express.js, a good developer should feel comfortable building scalable APIs and managing databases such as MongoDB or PostgreSQL. Plus, they have to configure server-side rendering. Expertise in QA tools such as Jest or Mocha, together with debugging skills using Chrome DevTools, enables them to find and fix issues quickly to maintain high code quality.

Beyond the technical field, a good JavaScript developer should know how to communicate and cooperate. Here's a tip. When interviewing, check the developer's capability to explain complicated technical details, share business views, and feedback perception. Practical experience working in Agile teams, Slack, and Jira will enable him to merge seamlessly into remote or distributed environments. All these combined will enable successful project outcomes.

The Role of Cultural Fit in Outsourced Web Development Teams

Five steps for outsourcing web development.png

Cultural fit is one of the most critical, but often overlooked, parameters in outsourcing web development. As necessary as technical skills and expertise are, cultural alignment between your team and the outsourced developers will make all the difference. Indeed, PwC has noted that 70% of failed outsourcing relationships can be blamed on poor communication and misaligned cultural expectations. Technical incompetence, in this case, often recedes into the background. Great teams share values of similar work ethics and communication styles, fostering trust and minimizing misunderstanding. As a result, you receive a productive relationship.

If a company is moving fast and in an agile way, it may face problems if the outsourced team has been part of a more hierarchical and rigid environment. Differences in expectations about communication frequencies, problem-solving approaches, or decision-making create delays and frustration. But if cultural fit is emphasized, these teams will very much work seamlessly with each other. Issues get resolved quickly if everyone is on the same page.

Time zone differences and language also form part of the cultural fit. Harvard Business Review reported that a whopping 61% of the executives believed managing cultural differences was a bigger challenge than even time zone management when working with outsourced teams. You should select a team that has experience working within your business culture, be it Western, Asian, or European. People from the same location interact more easily. For instance, most Eastern European teams are praised for their problem-solving approach, combined with a direct style of communication. Compatibility also entails greater project efficiency, higher job satisfaction, and a better outlook.

Eventually, cultural fit will support understanding, easier cooperation, and better team chemistry. It is an important element of successful project outcomes as technical skills.

The use of outsourcing as a form of innovation hub is a rapidly growing trend. Firms outsource work to an external team for the exploration of emerging technologies such as Web3, AR, and IoT. The goal of this outsourcing type is to foster digital innovation. Various car manufacturers, have started collaborating with specialized firms to develop experimental digital solutions, including Volkswagen.

Another trend in this perspective is micro-outsourcing. This practice involves hiring small teams that are specialized in carrying out small tasks like enhancing website performance or conducting security audits. This allows companies to bring high-level expertise on board without long-term commitments. It enables them to optimize efficiency, fast.

There's also growing focus on soft skills and cultural fit over pure technical capability. In a survey by McKinsey, for example, 59% of executives now want soft skills like adaptability and communication. Why? Because they're necessary to ensure your experts can overcome barriers when working on a product.

The last trend is dictated by sustainable development practices. Companies choose their outsourcing partners based on their environmental and social stance. Harmonizing technology choices with eco-friendly standards and ethical practices has recently become vital. This trend is currently prevailing, especially among European markets.

Final Words

Outsourcing web development, especially in JavaScript, is much more than cost-cutting; it is a strategic move toward accessing specialist skills. Most importantly, it catalyzes growth and drives innovation. From leveraging micro-outsourcing for very specific needs to ensuring cultural compatibility for seamless collaboration, finding the right web outsourcing team spells the difference between businesses that achieve competitive advantage. According to Deloitte, 78% of businesses feel positive about their outsourcing partnerships, which just goes to show that tapping into global talent can be life-changing if done right.

If you want to build high-quality applications without sacrificing efficiency, outsourcing is a perfect choice. Yojji is your trusted partner in developing safe, scalable, and innovative web applications. Ready to take your web development to a whole new level? Get in touch today to see how we can help you achieve your goals!

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